this post is just to inform those who used to follow me for whatever reason that I am no longer on twitter. it's been nice actually. twitter was often a negative place to me. lots of dumb arguments and hate.
in case curious, the words "retarded, retards" is what got me suspended. I expressed these words towards a post where people were being hateful and racist, so i called them retards, but i guess twitter loves racists and people who spread hate because i got suspended before, for calling a racist a retard.
i do not know where i will post my drawings from now on. newgrounds is kind of a hassle to me with all the things you have to set-up to post a doodle. i did recently make an instagram account, but that was more to get access to the account of my work.
i usually post some of my doodles here and there in discord groups, but that is about it. i mostly work on Pencilmation, so a lot of personal work/doodles aren't made anyway, which is fine.
so all in all, i am not dead, but i am not going to be active much on social media anymore.
adios! :)
i don't use twitter because there's just too much social political stuff there
this much is true, lol