Well.. Next week on tuesday I have to endure another jaw operation. It's all for good causes in the end, but during the healing time it kinda sucks.
I won't be able to eat delicious food for like 4-5 weeks. I have to deal with liquified stuff then. |:[
Oh well.. I am just sharing this because this may result in me not drawing anything for awhile. I hope it won't and that I keep my drawing spirit!
But with my first jaw operation I didn't feel like doing much for a couple of weeks. My whole face was swollen up and it will be again this time. I just wanted to sleep the whole time and rest.
Hopefully it'll be different this time. I don't want to let my whole summer go to waste.
Have a great summer all! :]
:O I have no idea what I would do if I couldn't eat delicious food for over a month. God damn your 2nd, must be tough to deal with, I'm sorry. Yeah there's nothing a good break from everything and your fav tv shows or movies to watch for daaaaays, I hope it goes well and you heal asap :)
Thanks! It may be tough, but I will know how to deal with most things since I experienced it once already. :)