It's Bender's retarded (no offense) brother! :D
It's Bender's retarded (no offense) brother! :D
Wow rood
A beautiful piece! Looks like a rupee from Zelda games. :3
Oh, and it's spelled landscape by the way. ;)
thanks ;=) !
Haha, I love the art style too! :D
Im glad people like it! I didn't know how they would feel about it.
That face of Carl in the last panel.
Fecking great, lol!
I always love that face c:
Haha, good one!
Thanks c:
Sure looks like fun.. to watch. :3
Although I do think this should be rated T at the least. :/
my bad now it is ^^
I like it but... In my book he is too tall.
I really like Flapjack because he's so small and cute. :3
I also really like how you made all that candy, especially the lollipop he's holding. But the mountains only have one color whilst everything else is detailed. xD
yeah, i did make him too long. In the original sketch he was longer and i just made him shorter digitally. damn. Thanks for the review!