Captain's an ass, but great animatic/animation!
Captain's an ass, but great animatic/animation!
Why yes, I do have a lotta ass.
And thanks!
I bet that bottle became sentient and knocked on the door.
I like your creativity!
Nice. I just don't understand that if this really happened, how Jesus just couldn't actually use his powers to just.. free himself.
I mean.. God can give a stick the power to divide a sea. What, like.. Did he only give Jesus the ability to change water into wine and walk on water?
Thiz is stuff I liek!
what did the woodworm say to the chair? It's been nice gnawing you!
At first glance I thought "This one looks badly animated. Let's take a look and feel better about myself after watching".
But.. It was amazeballs! :D Your character even reminded me a tadbit of Timmy Turner.
What can I say? I'm just an average kid who no one understands.
I seriously laughed out loud during that "the plane looked rather plain" joke, but mainly because of how retarded Tails laughed about it! xD
Tails thinking he was clever with that joke. ;)
I missed this stuff! It's so satisfying to watch all this. The animation is so.. How could I word it right? Relaxing and fun? Yeah, That comes the closest I think. :3
Thanks dude! The next episode should be out soon!
I just simply love your stuff. It brings joy to me on bad days each time I look at one of your works. Thanks for that! :)
That's so great to hear! Thanks!! :D
Nice! I expected him to barf it all over that guy who put the acid there. :3
Wish it was a bit longer though.. :p
Yeah I know what you mean about length. The problem for me right now is the long ones take lots of time and I want to post something as a sort of filler. Glad you liked it despite that!
Nice. Aliëns reminded me of the ones from Invader Zim, lol.
It's the only kind of alien I know how to draw!
The ability to draw Invader Zim looking aliens marches through my viens like giant radioactive rubber pants.