Awesome! Hope you had a great Christmas.
Awesome! Hope you had a great Christmas.
I bet he's holding in all the nightmare fuel, hence why his cheeks are so puffed up.
Definitely improved loads! Too bad you didn't include the rose, but those are hard to draw anyway, lol. Half a year is nuts by the way. You improved very fast!
I would like to do this as well with my first piece of 2017 and re-draw that, haha! I choose to do a year because... I don't think there's a big enough noticeable difference if I choose something from half a year ago.. xD
Tanks, good luck with yours ;D
You seriously nail those perspectives man. And the color too! Like, I need to at least give a shadow of the color for it to look good, but you can make it look good without! :o
the color thing is really about style, is not like if i added shadow it would look better, it might even look worse, it's really about what you create, this one actually has like very little shadows in some areas but it isn't cell shading, its like very sutile tho.
Aah.. the overall soft feeling to this is so calming and relaxing. Nice job.
If there is no single flaw (which I agree upon),
then why a 4.5/5 instead of 5/5? Lol..
Wonderful colors man! It's a real piece of eye candy.
Haha! :P Thank you so much.
The differences are so extremely subtle, it is almost as if you just copied and pasted the image.
Truly and outstanding job. I have no words to describe this piece of perfection with that it deserves.
Thanks man. I feel like the secret was a few rendering techniques that i stumbled into the last time i did a photostudy.
But, isn't she still present in the show?
Really like this piece. Wish I could just float..
Mhmmm... Such a cutiepie.
Always waiting for a "M" or even an "A" rated piece of yours. ;)